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Software & Apps
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Clinician Interaction

DigiGone is headquartered in Largo, Florida. Founded in 2007, DigiGone develops specialized encrypted communication tools and software applications designed to meet the needs of our unique client base, which include commercial maritime, pleasure yachting, business jets, exploration, NGOs, media, law enforcement, U.S. and foreign military, special operations, and intelligence organizations. DigiGone products and services are currently being used in numerous environments around the world.

All DigiGone products are secure and optimized to use very low bandwidth, allowing them to operate in areas with limited connectivity.

• CrewChat - A crew welfare voice and video communications tool for remote locations. ( • digiMed - Telemedicine Kits • digi+Doc - Medical Service • digiChat - Video Collaboration Tool • digiView - Remote Encrypted CCTV • digiTech - Remote Technical Assistance

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