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Metrics and Reporting
Data Analytics
Hardware and Infrastructure
Patient Records & Interoperability

With over 15 years of experience in healthcare interoperability, CareEvolution is a leading provider of health data and digital clinical research platforms.

The CareEvolution Health Data Platform has enabled leading health plans, provider networks, and health information exchanges to unlock the value of their healthcare data assets. Payor, provider, and consumer-sourced data is liberated, aggregated, and standardized—enabling many advanced use cases.

CareEvolution’s MyDataHelps is your one-stop digital health platform for conducting clinical research, clinical trials, and health projects. MyDataHelps provides a flexible suite of features including eConsent, eCOA (ePROs, clinROs, PerfOs), EHR data, kitting/fulfillment, claims data, automated adherence notifications and interventions, and more.

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Featured Products & Services
Write health apps or run public health analytics using cleansed, consistent data. Convert among formats including HL7, C-CDA, and FHIR. Translate terms, even free-text and unstructured data, to industry standard code systems and value sets such as ICD-10-CM, SNOMED, LOINC, RxNorm, NDC, etc. And enrich data with key insights such as risk stratification, condition profiles, and gaps in care.
My Data Helps
Maximize participant access to your next clinical trial or research study with MyDataHelps™. Design and launch your study in a matter of hours. No code needed. Recruit anywhere. Easily enable wearable and sensor data collection. Engage participants with biofeedback alerts and smart notifications. Deliver test kits for biomarker collection. Collect participant EHRs and claims data for a fuller picture. Then securely manage all of your participant data in one interoperable FISMA-compliant location.