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Primary Care
Patient Engagement & Satisfaction

Your personal doctor, one tap away.

HealthTap is a nationwide virtual primary care practice that delivers affordable, quality care equitably to all Americans. HealthTap provides its members access to a long-term primary care doctor of their choice that will help them manage all aspects of their healthcare in a holistic and personalized way based on a trusted relationship.

With membership by affordable subscription or insurance coverage, consumers can benefit from free texting with their doctor, ongoing video appointments with that same doctor, and urgent care with the first available doctor seven days per week. Additionally, a network of 90,000 volunteer U.S. doctors across 147 specialties gives free informational answers to health questions from HealthTap members.

HealthTap continues to expand its reach and push innovation in virtual healthcare by partnering with some of the biggest names in tech, notably Samsung and Amazon; and its newest product Eval360 — designed for health plans nationwide — improves gaps in care resulting in better outcomes for patients nationwide.

Each year, HealthTap serves tens of millions of consumers online and provides many thousands of doctor visits, averaging a 4.9-star rating for those visits. For more information, visit

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