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Care in the Home
Hardware and Infrastructure
Software & Apps
Clinician Interaction
Patient Records & Interoperability

Solving the Home Health Delivery GapTM

Audio/video telehealth solutions leave the home ill-equipped to deliver care comparable to an in-person visit. This Home Health Delivery GapTm leaves our daily lives disconnected from healthcare.

We believe there is no reason why meeting a doctor remotely from home should be any less effective than in the clinic. Solving the Home Health Delivery GapTm means lower TCC, higher quality of care, better healthcare outcomes, and higher member satisfaction.

The home smart clinic - All the care of the doctor, from the comfort of home

The Home Smart Clinic enables remote physical exams by clinicians, regardless of where you are or what condition you have – acute or chronic.

It removes the barriers that prevented the home from being a place where quality primary care can be consumed. Primary care can now be delivered and consumed from home, with no compromises.

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